Template:Infobox material/sandbox

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Example usage:

{{Infobox material/sandbox
  <!-- Basic arguments -->
  | Name                = Construction Parts
  | Image               = <!-- only if image override is needed -->
  | Description         = Foo  <!-- not currently implemented in-game -->
  | Type1               = Crafted material
  | Type2               =
  | State               = Unit  <!-- Loose, Fluid, Unit, Molten, or Virtual -->
  | StartingQty         = Sailor: 987<br/>Captain: 654<br/>Admiral: 321
  | Variants            = [[Construction Parts II]]<br/>[[Construction Parts III]]<br/>[[Construction Parts IV]]
  | TrackTransport      = yes  <!-- Set no if tracks cannot transport the item (Default: yes). -->

  <!-- Arguments for storage -->
  | StoredInShipyard    = yes  <!-- Set no if the shipyard cannot store the item (Default: yes). -->
  | StoredInCargoModule = no
  | OtherStorage        = <!-- to add an extra storage to auto-generated list -->
  | StoredIn            = <!-- only if storage override is needed. Set to "None" to suppress the field -->

  <!-- Arguments for transporting -->
  | OtherTransport      = <!-- to add an extra transport to auto-generated list -->
  | TransportedBy       = <!-- only if transport override is needed. Set to "None" to suppress the field -->

  <!-- Arguments for buildings which create/use this item -->
  | CreatedIn           = <!-- to add an extra buildings to auto-generated list -->
  | UsedIn              = <!-- to add an extra buildings to auto-generated list -->
Not Water
Transported byPipe [IIIII]
PickupTruckHaul Truck (Tank)
Stored inNone
Created inCCC
Used inUUU
Iron Ore
Iron Ore.png
Unknown Material
Transported byU-shape Conveyor [IIIII]
PickupTruckHaul Truck (Dump)
Stored inLoose Storage [IIIIIIV]
Created inNone
Used inNone