Walkthrough v3\Step 8\Q&A
From Captain of Industry Wiki
About this step
Question: What is the game time at the beginning of this step?
Answer: At the begin of this step, the game time is 8 February 0001.
Question: What buildings do we need to produce 0.2xConstruction Parts per day?
Answer: The recipe to produce Construction Parts is:
- 1xAssembly (Manual) can convert 3xIron+4xWood+4xBricks in 40/2xdays into 4xConstruction Parts.
This recipe takes 40/2=20 days. To find what can be done in one day, we have to divide the numbers by 20, so:
- 1xAssembly (Manual) can convert 0.15xIron+0.2xWood+0.2xBricks in one day into 0.2xConstruction Parts.
To produce 0.2xConstruction Parts per day we need 1xAssembly (Manual).
Question: What resources do we have at the end of this step?
Answer: We have:
- 800xBricks.
- 60xCoal.
- Started this step with: 70xConstruction Parts.
- Used ?xConstruction Parts to build 25xAssembly (Manual).
- Therefor what remains is:
- 45xConstruction Parts.
- 350xCopper.
- 400xDiesel.
- 150xElectronics.
- 944xIron Scrap.
- 80xMechanical Parts.
- 160xRubber.
- 120xVehicle Parts.