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Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible) [view] [edit] [history] [refresh]


Recommended Usage: {{box|Contents}}
Special Parameters
Parameter Description Values
|type= The type of box
|span= Uses span tags instead of div tags yes
|wide= Set the box to be as wide as the page/table
|inline= Set the box to be inline text text text
text text text
|header= Adds an optional header
|shadow= Add a shadow to the box
Supported Parameters
Parameter Description Default CSS
"content" The contents of the box (Highly Recommend)
The color of the background of the box White background-color
|align= The alignment of the box (left, center, right) (Recommended) left float
|padding= The inner padding of the border 3px padding
|style= The style of the border Solid border-style
|border color= The color of the border Black background-color
|border size= The size of the border 3px border-width
|text align= The alignment of the text (Recommended) left text-align
|spacing= The spacing of the letters letter-spacing
|font= The font of the box's text font-family
|font size= The font size of the box's text font-size
|text color= The color of the text black text-color
|margin= The outer margin of the box (Only does horizontal when type isn't inline-block or block) 3px margin
|box type= The type of box (inline, inline-block, block) inline-block display
|height= The height of the box height
|width= The width of the box (The width of the text) width
|CSS= Any Additional CSS you want to add

(make sure to add ; to end)

Other Parameters
Parameter Description Default CSS
|top margin= The top outer margin of the box (Only does horizontal when type isn't inline-block or block) 3px margin-top
|bottom margin= The bottom outer margin of the box (Only does horizontal when type isn't inline-block or block) 3px margin-bottom
|left margin= The left outer margin of the box (Only does horizontal when type isn't inline-block or block) 3px margin-left
|right margin= The right outer margin of the box (Only does horizontal when type isn't inline-block or block) 3px margin-right
|top padding= The top inner padding of the border 3px padding-top
|bottom padding= The bottom inner padding of the border 3px padding-bottom
|left padding= The left inner padding of the border 3px padding-left
|right padding= The right inner padding of the border 3px padding-right
|radius= Border radius 0 border-radius


{{box|A|background=red|text color=white}}
{{box|B|background=blue|text color=orange}}
{{box|C|background=black|text color=white|margin=0px|height=1em|width=40px|border color=yellow}}


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
{{box|background=yellow|align=center|border size=10px|radius=20px|text align=center|The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog}}
Template:Sandbox other
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